One Kings Lane Photo shoot

A couple weeks back I was able to do a photo shoot with photographer Sarah Shreves of where I work in the Community Woodshop LA. It will be shown on my One Kings Lane profile for the Heirloom Sale I will be doing on Jan.27. She did an amazing job and I just wanted to share a couple of my favorites from the bunch. 

Me with my lathe at the woodshop! 

Me with my lathe at the woodshop! 

I sketch out my design before I begin 

I sketch out my design before I begin 

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Lathing the piece of cork into a vase

Lathing the piece of cork into a vase

You can begin to see the shape of the vase coming alive!

You can begin to see the shape of the vase coming alive!

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The finished piece! A cork vase. 

The finished piece! A cork vase. 

My tools

My tools

Some pieces in the shop with their shavings. 

Some pieces in the shop with their shavings.