Special Edition for Of a Kind

My Petite Cork Vases just launched this past Friday for Of a Kind! It was my largest order yet, being 80 vases, and 40 sets. I collaborated with their team to come up with adorable set of vases on their site. They use a special cork that has larger graduals and even carries a glass vial for fresh flowers (something I haven't done yet until now!)

Purchase this set here. There is only a limited supply! 

Check out my profile on their site as well as the two personal editorials they wrote about. So exciting!! 

Front page on their website, pretty exciting!

Front page on their website, pretty exciting!

The petite cork vase set! 

The petite cork vase set! 

The vials that come with the vase so you can add fresh flowers

The vials that come with the vase so you can add fresh flowers

They would look great anywhere…. especially your own home ;)

They would look great anywhere…. especially your own home ;)